>>1594096Knives are tools. The right tool for the right job.
Mora's are great general purpose tools for small to medium applications.
Yes you can baton with them. It doesn't mean you should.
When I am in the woods (Wildland Firefighter), I carry a Mora (actually a Cold Steel Peacemaker III which is a full tang scandi grind clone with a fantastic grip and sheath) for the little jobs, and pic related (Cold Steel Black Bear Bowie) for the big jobs.
Between them they cover most of the spectrum of activities you're going to run into.
Plus the Bowie is like $30. It's built like a tank, easy to sharpen (Lansky puck), rock solid grip and just an absolute unit of a tool.
I have cut down trees, cleared paths, fought fire (cutting out sections of duff and roots), fought a bear, and used it for pretty much every /out/ activity.
It's carbon steel so the edge can rust. But the rest is painted in very tough black enamel. I've beaten the absolute crap out of this blade. The worst nicks just need a few minutes with a flat file, and a spin on the puck.
I know it's not fancy, but I just can't speak highly enough of it.