>>2100996>killed a great deal of braincells in Boulder and Ft CollinsI feel that man, posting from my apartment in Denver which I leave in July. I feel like I have wasted so much time here but idk if it was really wasted maybe everywhere else isn't that good either. I sure know a lot of drunks and cocaine addicts and habitual stoners. I have to take a trip to the ocean every winter or I would have killed myself by now. It just drags on so fucking long, we're just now getting into the decent weather and everything is still going to be shit brown and miserable for another month. Then June and maybe half of July is nice and then everything shrivels up again from the heat and the land is brown and hot and shitty unless you're lucky enough to be sponsored by your parents to live in the high country or work at some assfucked bar most of the week just to put gas in your piece of shit 4runner.
Most of the time I go out now it's not even that interesting, whoopdeedoo another fucking lake another mountain another goddamn tree it all looks the same. Have to go out to red rock country or the coast to get a thrill