>>2275760>it's going to take many more centuries>in the meantime:>white pop drops from 8% of the total world pop to barely 1>whites are behind 90% of technological innovation, the other 8% is asians, 2% for shitskins>whites hope that after 300 years of trowing money at niggers they will start behaving like humans and not genocide them like south africa, haiti or zimbabwe, ignoring that we have almost 150 years of american history proving otherwise>after 300 years we are still stuck in early 2000 technology>nigs have not civilized and started killing whities, muh racism and white oppression are blamed>chinks wipe out africans to prevent dark ages and ending up like whites dark ages begin>end result: eternal y2k time traphave you considered that maybe it's pointless to feed nigger mouths hoping they become like us? america threw at africa 50 marshall plans, 50 fucking marshall plans, it's still a disgusting shithole, they had a 2 million years headstart and would still stuck in the stone age if it was not for whitie showing them how to build civilisations, there is really no point in spoonfeeding them and wasting resources, even IF they might actually turn out nice...or might not, and you end up genocided