pic related
>Paper or GPS?Yes. Because GPS's break and fail. They're great for nav, but kinda shitty for route planning. Once you start zooming out, all the fun roads disappear. Don't discount things like Google Earth either, laying out a route in there makes it easy to get that data into a GPS. But a paper map is always nice to have on the desk (and in your pack).
>Gear?Yes. Crashing hurts, and it hurts a lot less when you've got the right equipment. Jacket, pants, boots, gloves. Mesh is nice in the summer, but you'll want to bring some rain gear. Layers underneath are good. Get comfortable gear you'll wear; if it's not comfortable or doesn't fit well it's not going to do its job.
As far as luggage goes ...
>>156069 is a good idea in theory, but I've -never- seen anyone with one of those. Get some saddlebags, do some overnight trips and figure out what works and what doesn't. You could /diy/ out of ammo cans, pelican/equipment cases, etc. Ther'es outfits that make motorcycle-specific luggage.