>>2097664>utter terror like nothing I have ever felt before overwhelms me>grab gf by the wrist and walk backwards as fast as we can keeping our eyes on this thing>when we're far enough away that we can't see it any more, we run>we run blindly into the dark>into the woods>we can't fucking see where we're going and we're running into the woods>shadow monster>suddenly we're off the path>and in bushes>and we don't know where we fucking are>shadow monster>a fucking demon is lurking in these woods and we don't know where we are or how to get out>hallucinations>flitting shadow monsters>(I hope you are begining to fathom the sheer horror of this situation)>then, i see a light in the distance!>the village>we were close to the edge of the woodland!>the path can't be far>feeling calmer now, no sign of the hooded ghost demon>still spoopy as fuck though>finally reach the guardian tree at the entrance>walking down the long path out of the wood>path totally straight, lined on each side by trees>at the end, i glance back down the path>shadowy figure flits accross the parting at the other end of the path>NOEP NOEP NOEPwe returned to the woodland the next day, in the daytime, to go and see if there was any sign left over of what we saw...
The cliffside had collapsed, and exposed a 6-foot tall, veritcal vein of white rock, in the rough shape of a humaoid figure, hunched over.