>>1867010They would consider themselves as close to nature, but they are not close to thevalues of the /out/ board of 4chan.
The only hippies and hippie communes I have met and seen that were not full of abuse, hate and scum were Christians and communes based on christian values. Depending on the definition they wouldn't be counted as hippies obviously.
These hippie cults attract really bad people. Usually there is some charismatic guru who somehow manages to gather ressources, wealth and thus some kind of infrastructure. That way the guru, usually a man, can attract more people, especially broken and alienated people, sometimes with heavy prior drug abuse.
These people get attracted by the same reasons people think about joinging a monastery on /lit/: There is food, a roof, a structure, one is saved from the harsh outside world where one has to work in a job, pay taxes and so on. Working in such a commune seems more attractive, since it feels more sheltered.
Without ressources to offer that, new people wouldn't be attracted. So these people were especially 'poor' people who sought wealth, not rich people who wanted to share their wealth.
These places preach openness and family, honesty and truth, community and love. However there is still conflict, lies, hate, manipulation and abuse. Almost everyone has to deal with that, but these places are especially full of it and reeks of lies. I hate lies and in that case these places or worse than others..
I never ended in such a cult/sect and it was a bit close but I know other people who did. I know the guru very well and I feel sorry for these people.
Still a valuable experience, especially having met such an incredibly charismatic person and I think it will help my children circumvent these people.
>>1867072'Wild wild country' is the documentary's name, just used the image reverse search. Never seen it. However I can recommend Conan (1982), pic very much related.