I love Fordhook giant chard. These things have massive leaves. I have nearly a dozen plants and I can harvest just 1 leaf from a different plant each day and have an entire meal. Though, I do just add the leaf to my soup/stew. I got one today that had a 3 inch wide stem on 1 leaf.
>>1543964>picKill asap. Also, use a sharp spray ow water to hose off aphids. For indoor plants, do that in your shower. You can wrap the pot and soil in plastic to prevent overwatering while doing that. Do it once a day for a week. You could build a box for the plants and pour in ladybugs to scour the aphids off.
>pruning winter squashDon't do that, unless they are large, they don't normally take to pruning all that well. So long as there's leaf nodes, they should vine out from those. Harden them off and get them outside.