>>870429I've not once been asking/posting anything here about le 420, ever.
Never grown it myself, and only smoked a handful of times in my whole life, the last time in 2008, when I found it's not my thing.
But I've seen you no-fun-allowed shitcunt post the same copy-paste crap for at least half a year here
Sure, 24/7 stoners are an annoying kind, but rule sticklers like you are at least 100x more annoying
If you want to report a post because of "muh woolz", then do so, but don't announce your report either directly, nor indirectly like you did and have been doing for ages on here, but just STFU about it and don't derail our comfy thread
And if you're man enough, at least post your copypasta with a trip, or point out your other "constructive" contributions ITT, so that I can at least recognise you and never reply to you ever again on unrelated topics, because I hate Spießer like you to death (sorry no English equivalent but you fall exactly into that category), because it's stuck-up cunts like you who give gardeners a bad reputation of being insufferable fags who call the PoPo if someone in the neighbourhood is playing music at 31dB instead of 30 at 10:01pm
As a bonus, have this super evil illegal plant that contains shitloads of myristicin which can be easily converted to ecstacy and meth, are you gonna complain about people growing that too?