>>341956I got em in 2001ish when they were apparently brand new and on the market. I got them out of a Park Seed catalogue. I paid something like $60-$65ish for 18 of em (sold in packs of 3 so I got six packs). You can buy them now for alot cheaper but mine STILL work (many have no holes, at the worst, one has 6 holes and 3 of them are in the middle, the rest are near the top so I hardly lose out on the water that can be added). Now, I've seen them sell between $7-$10 for a pack of 3. The brand I got is called 'Wall-O'-Water' and I've never ever seen the stores carry them for some reason so you might want to use eBay or Amazon to get them for cheaper, maybe find free shipping too. They also came out with red ones after I got mine which apparently reflect red light back to the plant which is beneficial to them and aids in ripening of fruit (for say, tomatoes and peppers). There were also studies done with them showing that by using one, it increases the overall length of the plant as well as resistance to the elements outdoors versus one not protected and grown with one.
Here are mine that I used earlier this year to protect these corn plants. I have no trouble in Southern California with the weather but I used them when I put the transplants outside because birds here like to mess around with my transplants thinking they are worms or food. Also, it protects against many ground pests, and when the nights were cold, it did its job keeping it above a temp of 65F during nights also with the rain when the plants were younger and I didn't want the raindrops to break or hurt the plant during the storm.
Perhaps someone can help me out as far as how to repair the holes? They are made out of PVC and I need something to adhere to the plastic as well as be water resistant since they are filled with water. I think it might even be cheaper now to just buy a brand new one than fix holes but if I find a cheap solution, I'd like to restore all the ones I have with holes in them.