OP might consider the Sipsey Wilderness in Alabama, SE of Florence. It’s a little bit of a haul from his route but fairly unique.
>>2513271The Signal slaves were all from India. They brought them to the Gulf Coast, kept them penned in a labor camp, and supposedly didn’t pay them or paid them way less than they were supposed to or something. It was a pretty big deal but isn’t congruent with what you’re implying
>>2513230. It was a giant international company taking advantage of third worlders and globalism, not cotton picking blacks and southern plantation owners in white suits.
But yeah, Mississippi is a giant ghetto. There is no “no man’s land” there, as nearly everything is owned by someone. It would be neat if there were large plots of public land surrounded by dangerous rednecks and forest blacks, but it’s just not the case. It’s all small towns and farms (and farm/food factories). Louisiana and Alabama are similar, but Mississippi reigns supreme. Inb4 meth. It’s so far behind the times that crack is still more popular. And let’s be real; black people prefer crack over meth.
Generally speaking, you’re safer in a small town than a city. But there’s some nuance there. And yeah, Mississippi is incredibly dangerous.