>>1623171... And it will be splendid. I can just see him bumbling out to his yard in spring, noticing no green to his west, as the tall barren wooden skeletons loom like hung corpses. Dead wood towering over his piles of more dead wood. A grave of trees with no fate other than to be cut down themselves, leaving a barren (chemically sterilized) desert. Not a sparrow, not a chipmunk to be seen. Not a chirp of a bird to be heard nor the the scamper of squirrels. Just a silent, lifeless wasteland of rotting timber, gnarled roots in raw dirt and stumps trapped in mud like wooden headstones, chopped and broken like the scene of an arboreal massacre. With enough Tordon/Agent White, nothing will grow there but a few sparse clods of grass for years.
And our glorious neighborhood trail will be clear again, if slightly re-routed.
I've seen it before. The local airport did this very thing during a runway expansion and decimated a forest to a wasteland, claiming the tree line was blocking the towers view of aircraft. That was years and years ago and it still looks like a strip-mined apocalypse.