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i'll have a go
>go to friends house with other friends
>friends house is haunted
>a lot of shit happened through out the years but they burned sage and got ride of just about all the spirits
>one spirit seems to remain present
>spirit seems to live upstairs only
>all of my friends are tripping except one
>we decide to go investigate since its my first time
>go up stairs
>automatic cold chill
> open door
>go in and go into the living room
>go into bathroom
>bathroom light is already on
>go into anther room that is dark, i have a little flash light
>go back into living room
>go down hallway to the last room
>come out, go into other room near the hallway entrance
>be dark as fuck, still using small flashlight
>tell anon to open closet
>find this creepy as fuck doll at the top
>its eyes are small and lifeless
>both of us get creeped out and he puts it back
>we close the doors of the closet
>suddenly we hear a "shooo" sound
>hear it again
>we both freeze and look at each other
>next second we were frozen solid with fear
>couldnt move, i was looking at my friends face and it was like contorting or some weird shit
>finally we both can move again
>NOPE.jpg our asses out of that room and run back downstairs