>>963194I would have, if I had it. I just have a light combo with my bf for fucking around while he's at class and I'm bored
I'm bringing a bigger rod next time
>>963330Pepsi is every trip fag
>>963507Braid is hella
>>963358>go to anywhere with a fishing section>zoom baits>grab find pearl split tail super flukes or fluke jr.'s>hooks>1/0-3/0 octopus hooks, depending on what looks right to you and how much you want the hook to weigh>tie on the hook, no weight>nose hook fluke>cast>twitch twitch pause>repeat as necessary, altering number of twitches and length of pause until the fish are happy>catch fish>>963615Youll be fine if the wind isnt mad
>>963635Protected areas
Look for bays, or if theres a spot that a creek feeds I to the lake check there
Look around docks too
>>963746Flip over/fall out and drown
>>963796Look up "how to remove a hook" and keep bandages in your tackle box. You could have kept fishing
>>963879Its not a great lure for me but some days it's all they hit
>>964063Fish bite in winter
Pic related was in ~35°f water on dec. 7
>>964152Nose hooked fluke with a weedless hook instead of an octopus hook
Read above
>>964203I saw an amateur bass tourney won in 53° water with a frog
I was catching on frogs thay day too