>>297236There's a split in opinion on him. Some here hate him, some love him. Personally I think he was an idiot, but a glorious idiot with balls of polished mahogany. He basically showed the world that if you have motivation, and a bit better knowledge of plants and toxins than he did, the world is your playground.
>>297237Yeah this is mostly a problem with wildlife pockets in densely populated areas. Besides, is it really a problem? A small area turns into a soft springy floor of dead plant matter for campers to sleep on. Big deal. No tree will die from one hammock hanging there once.
>>297245Over here in Sweden, because of the low pressure on some trails, it's considered common courtesy to slash down branches hanging on the trail to prevent it from being overgrown, to reinforce fireplaces, and to repair any shelters you stop by. Of course, we take our shit a bit more serious here so by shelters I mean actual little buildings. Generally LNT here means you shouldn't fuck shit up and make eye sores. So bury TP, NEVER drop any human products, and don't cut down trees or shit for no reason. Our wilderness is so unpopulated and wild that finding an old wind shelter is actually kind of exciting. And up north the Sami and hikers actually make markers resembling standing men by piling up stones to mark trails. Surprisingly similar tradition to their remote relatives the inuits.