Quoted By:
>friend wants to go camping
>"okay we're going here"
>"okay anon that sounds good"
>get there
>tell him to set up tent while I gather and build fire as well as make lunch for us
>"I'm not doing that"
>first night he wants to make dinner
>makes beans in an old cast iron pot
>"Bobby don't do that, you're wasting a big ass can of beans"
>"Fuck you anon stop doubting me"
>beans taste like liquid iron, rust, and smoke
>day 2
>"Anon I have to shit"
>"Okay here's some toilet paper and wipes, right over there is a good spot"
>"No anon I'm going to walmart (45 minutes away)"
>"Anon please it's gonna be a bad one I need to go now"
>"Anon either give me the keys or I'm leaving tonight"
>he drives to walmart 45 minutes away and didn't pick up a single thing I told him to bring back
>"Lol bro that was such a bad one it was a bowl-curler dude it was so messy"
>day 3
>"Billy we need to pack up before it starts pouring down"
>"No I'm not you made me put up the tent you pack it up"
>"Booby you have 30 minutes to pack up everything you brought before I leave it here with you"
>"Fuck you anon I'm not going camping with you again"
>"Good, you lazy fat cunt"
>he ends up packing up the quarter ton of shit he brought while I throw my small box of stuff in the bed of the truck
Fucking cunts, don't ever take someone camping with you they'll just ruin the entire experience. All he did was catch a tiny fish and objected to doing everything you go to a national forest specifically to do