>>675425Like others have said, I would likely resign myself to the fate of eventually ending my life out of loneliness, but I would try to find some cool shit to do in the meantime.
>raid Porsche dealership for a dank 911>drive 911 like a mad cunt on abandoned roads until I get to a city with a Lambo dealership>drive Lambo like a mad cunt to a major city on the gulf or Atlantic coast>raid stores and hospitals for supplies>load supplies onto the dankest boat I can find in the marina that I can still handle soloFrom there I'd split time between the Caribbean and more temperate climates, moving north during hurricane season and south during the winter. I could explore, spearfish and hunt whatever runs wild on the islands during the winter, then park the boat in the Carolinas and spend the summers in the highest, coolest parts of the Appalachians (probably travelling by a more practical vehicle this time). If I could guarantee the boat would be safe during storm season (probably not easy solo) I might spend hurricane season in the Mexican highlands.
If I think the end might be nigh, I'll attempt to sail for Europe and then Africa. Exploring an abandoned Europe would be depressing but cool, and with enough of the right medical supplies, Africa could be an acceptable place to start flirting with death on a daily basis by hunting dangerous game until I fuck up and get eaten/trampled/bitten by a black mamba.