>>415443Far more likely in shitty parts of the city. Trails are 99% white people.
>>415448Are you serious? The Ten Essentials weren't dreamt up by REI. The list was developed by mountaineers who actually go outside, unlike you:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Essentials. Jesus, I don't even know why I'm talking to you if you're not familiar with them.
> someone somewhere got killed by a bear/moose/elephant/alien> thousands of people hike every day in California safely without firearms> including me>>415460>Get stalked by a mountain lion or stumble across a bear and tell me if making noise will save your life.It probably will. You've never been on a hike beyond your parents' backyard, so you can't really claim otherwise.
Pic is a backpacker who never carries a gun unless actually hunting, not for defense. He's hiked 30,000 miles all over the US.