>I hate Zippos because they leak, even though they're tough, reliable, fuel is cheaper than butane lighters, have a splashproof cap, can be lit when wet, still work in the wind, still work at high altitude, still work when cold, stay lit until out of fuel without keeping your finger on the fuel release fork, work with anything flammable, and can easily be fixed in case of the rare problems they have>I love Bic lighters, even if their mechanism easily breaks and they're unreliable but it's okay because they're cheap, well they're actually more expensive than white gas but still they're not very expensive, they don't work when the slightest damp but then just keep them in a ziploc bag, they don't work in the wind but you can use your hand to stop the wind, they don't work at high altitude but then just use a different kind of butane lighter, they don't work when cold but you only need to keep them close to your body, they require keeping your finger on the release fork and it's not much of a problem, they can't be refilled but they're cheap, and can hardly be fixed in case of the many problems though it's okay I have a dozen other Bic lighters with me, BUT AT LEAST THEY DON'T LEAK RIGHT GUYS??Seriously, I can't understand you all. Just put a fucking ranger band around it if leaking is such a big deal to you, even if leaking actually isn't a problem. This anon in this other thread did a great job of explaining why:
>>274128It's like none of you actually go /out/. I just realized I haven't been /out/ myself since november, and just checked my Zippo: guess what, IT FUCKING LIT AND REMAINED LIT AS I TYPED THIS WHOLE POST.
Seriously guys, what the fuck is wrong with you?