>>454171I know a guy that lives on a boat with his wife and codes for 140$/hr for banks.
What you're bitching about is life. Every job is pointless. There is literally no "job" you can do that is of any true value because its a job. YOU don't get to choose what is useful, the people that BUY your services do.
If you want to be some badass coder, then all you have to do is quit school and code full time. If you're not good enough then stay in school and wast more of everyone's time and money.
I'm willing to bet that you've never held a full time job. It's time to grow up kiddo, holy shit. Stop whining about how you want to run to the woods to code the next big thing. Start coding now. If you have any interest in outdoors stuff (which i assume you don't based on your questions) do like my friend does and work a shit job so you can have fun doing the things you WANT to do in your spare time.
Work is not a choice, It's something everyone has to do.