>>2604514*breaks your foot*
>nothing personalI don’t even care about rock stacks, I kick them over too. What I do is take a cool rock, bring it home, carve designs with a dremel maybe put my tag name on the back, then return it next time I’m in the same area. Sometimes I’ll throw them in rivers or lakes.
Something Ive been doing for the last year is taking a rock and cutting it in half and then making a cast out of the missing half and rebuilding it so half is epoxy resin. But inside the epoxy is a hard drive or micro usb inside a bag. On these hard drives is all different shit. I will exaggerate and make up IRL things so that some fossil geek in 1000 years finds it and has his brain melt. Shit like animal tier lists but then I include an animal that isn’t found in the area like chimps and I briefly mention a small history background about how a hurricane (by name with appropriate date of that hurricane) caused a group to get set free and they started breeding and we had a local population of 500+ Chimpanzees and neighboring states had the same issue for a good 100 years terrorizing the place and kidnapping children eating dogs mauling people and how it was just a daily occurrence. Just stuck in the middle of an otherwise accurate and real list of local wildlife. Then on a different rock there will be an in depth write up about the chimp wars.
I then put these stones, usually burried and covered with some other stones, back in the wild. I’ve done this like 15 times now. Other stuff is just a copy pasted Wikipedia write up about historical events but I’ll insert my own things like how colonial sanders kept the troops on both sides of the war from starving to death during the civil war. Or how so and so was secretly but obviously gay and it became such an issue because he would get caught sucking dick in public but no one could say anything about it.
Kick the gay rock stacks, but also if rock stacks are an issue for you you’re not going that deep out.