>>1344244I'm not saying "green" parties are perfect, they're not. But the greens look pretty tame when you compare them to Christian political parties. Look at the kind of animal cruelty was widespread throughout Christian Europe:
http://www.badnewsaboutchristianity.com/gap_animals.htm Paganism venerates nature, desecratation of it is completely against it. Also there's no separation of blood and soil in Paganism, so it would simply be foolish and short sighted to abuse the land on which your children and grandchildren will have to depend.
And yes, Christians are anti-nature, since they believe G-d has given them complete dominion over nature. They didn't cut a few trees. Look at the UK for example. It's just 13% forest, whereas in pre-Christian times it was close to 100%.
>>1344245at least two of the 4 Evangelists were Jews. Christianity was and still is just Judaism for the gentiles. Christians even worship the same Jewish tribal god. Hallelujah, brother!