>>2338504my one paranormal story is when i was with some aboriginal mates in the bush, a bit of background most aboriginal communities work off two sets of laws. the best ive heard it explained is like this: "anon, do you see this coin (pic rel)? see this is how black fellas laws work, theres two sets, the white fellas law and the black fellas law, aboriginal people live in the middle."
>be me camping, i got invited by a mate who is apart of some indigenous thing and so a group of friends from the indigenous place came>i drive there and wait at the gate while my mate and the car full of his buddies come>they come in their car, its also very clear one of them is drunk, he literally has a longneck in his hands>this guy named mike also brang two extra beers for himself>we drive into the park start on a firetrail thats been raped by recent rain>we get to our halfway point and we stop and start to setup for the night + get dinner on the go>i bought some steak and a gas stove while they have sausages, onions and a skillet >they went out and got me some salt bush and some other shit for my steak>anyway mike cracks out his two beers, unknown to me at the time mike loved the drink, and has been in trouble for it heaps of times for driving while drunk, fighting and all that shit, and the elders told him to stop. the cunt is like 6'6 though so once he starts you cant really politely tell him to stop >so mike finishes his beers and we were basically just sitting around the fire talking about where the constellations are and shit >we see this flash of light in the bush (it was really fucking bright) and we were just what the fucking out in silence when one of the aboriginal boys says >"ay that might be a spirit person that fella" or some shit>queue aboriginals shouting in their language into where the light came from>mike is fucking crying at this point because he thinks this spirit person is coming for him for drinking 1/2