>>2145517Its unironically because of other shitheads from /pol/. /pol/ brought way too much attention to 4chan. Way more than /b/ ever did. And all the assfucks who flooded into here through there treat the rest of the site as a dumping ground while on their holy mission to redpill everyone about Le JeWiSh BoOgIeMaN and its destroyed all of the other boards by contaminating literally every conversation with political prostelyzing, arguing and attempts at one-upping how mean you can be to everyone. Not every goddamn board is /b/ and not every fucking thread needs to be filled with
>seethe >cope>dialate>YWNBAW>sneed>tranny>kikeThe current state of affairs is entirely /pol/'s fault and you can all rot in hell for destroying what was a unique and awesome thing. Fuck you.