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Okay guys, this is the last time I bump this thread. I will post again from seattle but probably with a new thread, after this one drops off.
I've got just about everything I'll need besides food and water. I've got money to get that, my main issue right now will be the physical strain while I traverse on foot until I get back into better physical shape, and the mental stress of having to find somewhere to sleep, which hopefully won't be too hard. I'm going to try to avoid the tent cities, but I might go by in the day just to talk to the homeless people there and get a feel for the area.
I've managed to scrape a few more dollars together and I'm looking alright enough right now to get next month's service on my phone, a gym membership, and a month long buss pass, and still be good on cash.
Feels weird but good anons, i'll try to keep you guys updated..not that it matters that much. The idea of coming back and updating 4chan seems weird after being here so long.
Anyway, thanks for all the advice and the good-lucks, it's been good.