>>327132Figure I'll cross-link this here:
>>329456Two business-days in since my e-mail to Berkley and still no word. I figure I'll wait 'til the end of the week before I start to worry. I was gonna buy a Lightning Rod IM6 until I found pic related. It looks like the lightning rods have the same problem now too. I've been using my father's which is 20+ years old and has the aluminum oxide guides with ceramic inserts. Not a scratch on'em.
>>330456Meat, weight and a hook. Get it to the bottom or floating just above. You want it to get there before anything else has a chance to tag it on the way down. If you've got large cats in your area upsize the hook and bait. It's gonna cut back smaller fish stealing the bait. I wouldn't normally recommend jerky as bait (too damned expensive) but when I ran out of worms one day I put some jalapeno-spiced beef jerky on and caught a few nice cats. It has the added bonus of being fairly tough so it isn't likely to get stolen or sucked off the hook. Plus if you make your own it can become fairly inexpensive.