>>1298290wow I just did a small search and it seems that you are correct...what can I say tough luck my burger brother. My advice would be do a thorough search first and if you cant find nothing import your rod from Europe or Japan (e.g.
https://www.harrissportsmail.com/usa/lure-fishing-tackle/drop-shot-lrf-rods-176) the rest you can find stateside with a little in depth search apart from tackle that I'm pretty sure you will have to again maybe import as the japanese one is the best but Im pretty sure that for plastics you will find good american ones especialy when it comes to worms.
You will need
an lrf rod (at the begining and if you are not a going for needle fish fishing a 3-10 or 3-12 grams rod is fine)
light 4 strand braid (I use daiwa 6lbs j-braid)
fluorocarbon 5-6lbs is fine
a 1000 reel (I use a shimano sienna 1000)
small metal jigs and plastics
Here is the best guide on beggining lrf by our good boys in Jersey (uk) that where maybe the first hipsters to bring it out of japan.
https://issuu.com/jerseybassguides/docs/lrf-game-beta6Happy fishing and remember to be careful on those rocks.