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Okay still don't have an explanation for this one.
>day hiking with friend in New England
>we lived in the suburbs, but it was situated right on the line where things got rural
>about a mile off a country road there was an abandoned bird sanctuary
>had heard about it for years from my dad and when i was much younger a bunch of my cousins and i went out there to check it out
>honestly looked like the raptor cage from jurassic park. A little spooky to look at, at first but it made sense considering what it was used for, just odd seeing it all overgrown
>you could tell there were a few man made ponds that had dried up as there were some flimsy metal bridges spanning these craters in the ground
>very spooky vibe to the place, we decided to book it out of there when we saw what looked like a pack of wild dogs running along the limits of a collapsing wire fence. It was odd seeing these dogs, coyotes weren't uncommon but they looked too big idk
>years go by, go off to college, come back my freshman year for the summer for work, reminisce about the old bird sanctuary with my dad. He tells me that the guy who originally built it killed himself in it after his wife died and he was diagnosed with cancer. We didn't get past the sanctuary/massive bird cage but apparently behind that complex there was a massive house that also sat abandoned where the guy apparently killed himself
>zoom back to beginning of story, am off of this country road near the sanctuary and decide to go check it out again.
>difficult time trying to find the trail, everything overgrown with briars, finally start to see old wire mesh fence that has fallen over
>go around it and begin to see the building that made up the bird cage
>now covered in sheet metal to keep people out
>about to put my hand on the sheet metal to steady myself when all of a sudden the sheet metal starts to slam like someone behind it was punching it as hard as they could
>book it the fuck out of there and never went back