>>1124797>>1125634>>1125635>>1131018>Mom and Dad visiting me up at Uni>”hey I have an idea, let’s go hiking”>both sound excited at that, so we find a small nearby mountain for a dayhike>Dad and I regularly go and find trails together so we’re both used to this >pick one that we think will be a bit easier for Mom>get to fork in the trail>”Okay were going to take this one since you wanted something more gradual, right honey?”>whatever, just glad to be /out/>no less than 5 minutes into the “hike” and Mom is bitching nonstop at Dad that it’s too steep>”you know what rob? You and your son should just go do this by yourself because OBVIOUSLY I’m slowing you down!”>”why did you pick something so steep!”>Dad looks at me with a mixture of bewilderment and frustration >”Joan we’re climbing a mountain! For Christ’s sake, it gonna be uphill!”>Dad and I argue that we don’t care about the pace and just want to chill out>it’s only a 3 mile hike anyways>Mom is just a raging cunt the entire time and completely ruins the dayWhy do they always start shit for literally no fucking reason?