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Has anyone actually had to wrestle a dog to the floor before whilst /out/ because its an uncontrolled piece of shit and the owner just lets it run around miles ahead of it so it goes all primal? I have.. I'll tell you all what happened.
>Be me
>be britbong so no guns, tazer or mace
>last year, im 20
>walking my dog, a small Jack Russell
>a well behaved dog, comes when i tell.. doesnt walk out of site because she knows i dont like that. Got that bitch trained
>walking through a wooded area near my house, fairly small track, wide river on one side, dense bushes and a fence on the other side
>Walking around a blind bend up a hill
>pic related comes hurtling around the corner, stops, looks at me, looks at my dogo, looks behind and doesnt see owner
>its a small dog but bigger that my 5yo doggo
>starts sprinting towards me and my dog barking i decide to pick my dog up because this dog doesnt seem playful
>dog gets to me and starts growling and barking and jumping up at me and trying to bite me and my dog.
>my dog freaking out, i kick the other dog and tell it to fuck off
>doesnt let up, grabs my dogs leg and bites down, my dog yelping
>realise this fucker isnt threatened by me
>have to let go of my dog
>grab the dog by the throat and pin it to the floor, put all my body weight on it and it lets go of my dog. I keep it pinned. Its struggling and the floor is wet so slipping.
>owner comes running around the corner telling me to get off its dog.
>he gets the lead puts it on the dog..
from there its just me and the owner arguing .. but yeah.. what would you gus have done in the situations?