>>2093259Coon, coyote, snow geese, snipe, and chachalacas are worst tasting critters between the Mississippi and the Rockies. That is a fucking fact. Coots deserve a dishonorable mention.
>>2093890Different game require different methods and for big game where you hunt can have a big impact.
For squirrel you basically just make a cut around the tail and peel the fucker like a banana.
For birds you pluck, gut, cut off legs below the knee and the head, or if you’re in a hurry you can breast them out by stepping on the wings and pulling the feet.
For deer in places back east or the midwest you can hang the fucker up by its neck, cut down from sternum to asshole, drop the guts out, this is where most people will take it to get processed but if you’re willing and able to invest in the time, money, and effort to butcher, grind, and wrap your meat yourself you can make a cut around the neck down to the meat and cut the legs off at each knee. With bucks the glands on their legs can stink something awful. You don’t want that on your clothes. Once that is done you can peel back some of the skin and wrap it around a golfball or rock. Tie a rope around that and you can peel the skin off using truck power and save yourself a good deal of time. Then the tallow is probably the biggest pain in the ass. Thats all the fat. Letting it freeze overnight can make it easier to remove but if it’s warm you’re shit out of luck. Then you have your basic butcher cuts to make pic related.
For back country elk or mule deer hunts where you have to pack out by yourself quartering will be your best option. You take your trophy head if you have one, make your way down the back for your prime cuts, and take each limb off at the shoulders and hips. That’s called the gutless method and some people complain about not using certain organs or rib meat but most people don’t bother with that past grinding it up anyway.