>>2571710I've decided to build a bean trellis out of scrap wood I inherited from my grandpa.
I'm using cut and pointed 2x4 as the stakes to ground it and 1x3s (2 sandwiched together for the bottom of the frame and mount for the stakes, singular ones for rest of outer frame) for the frame. I use wide head screws for assembly. I put extras every 5 inches and leave the top half inch or so of screw sticking out to run string inside the frame like picrel. I plan to put screw anchors on the mounting point of the fram to the base and stakes so that I can dissassemble them in winter.
2 questions.
One, should I treat at least the stakes and bottom of the frame; if so what treatment would not contaminate the beans I intend to grow?
Two, is this design strong enough to withstand wind and whatnot? I imagine once loaded down with vines it will start to act almost like a sail in the right wind direction.