>>2162314oldfag here havent been back in years, started with /b/... then /fit/.. then last night i found this board
i used to go out and literally see if i could live like a commando, id break onto peoples properties and stake them out for hours. and i mean hours, like literally 16 hours sometimes.
id run around and stir up shit in small towns and then dip into the woods and lay in the mud for literal hours, thirsty hungry bugs on me mosquitos for days
>just kidding i did all that because i was tresspassing and burglarizing propertiesi love nature and the outdoors, it makes you feel like a man when you jump into a river in your underwear.
or start a fire deep in the woods on a riverbank with some catfish poles set, and have some brews with the boys
check it out, giant puffball i found when i was at work. id never been into mushrooms but i had heard these were edible so i picked it up