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I've been harvesting my gourd-type plants and potting up my peppers. I removed all the fruit off the pepper plants (Hungarian wax) and pruned them back a bit. A friend took the cuttings and hopefully those will grow into new plants. I'm overwintering these in my house. I have like 6 more (Yellow banana and green bell peppers) to dig up, prune, and put inside. I'm starting to run out of room, should have build that greenhouse this year.
The Yellow of Paris pumpkins have done really well and are pretty big. One is 58.5lbs and the other 68lbs and those are the largest. I have lots of acorn and butternut squashes. My indoor peppers (Trinadad Moruga Scorpion) are doing really well, though only one of the peppers actually had the scorpion tail on it. I've also been milling wild grains to make chicken feed. They love it. I just add a little water to it and they eat it right up. A lot of the sunchoke tops will go to chicken feed too.
I'm going to be canning food for days. Can't wait.