>>838412Just because anon is proud of his species and has a confident demeanor in humanities apex predator title doesnt mean hes braindead.
A cougar would make a mess of a human on a good day, but humans are pretty fucking bananas when it comes to fighting to the death, not to mention our body takes catastrophic punishment before throwing in the towel, the cougar would either decide hes getting his shit pushed in and run, or die in a mixture of confusion and torn muscles/broken bones. Seeing as we don't have claws you'd have to bluntforce and twist his non-twisties into submission.
>And possibly burst eardrums from the humans warcry>"WITNESS ME!">Cougars fw he realises hes not shiny and chromeHowever all of the above is a moot point if it ambushes an unsuspecting human, then its game over.