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Helping friends brother clear a trail, most trees arent a problem, except one
Irs a 24" diameter maple, and it has to be cut in atleast one spot to clear the trail
We have axes and manpower, but no real chainsaw with thepower or size to cut a tree that wide, so relying on axes and a reciprocating saw
How best should this be conquered. The longesr reciprocating saw blades ive seen are 12 inches, is the best bet to saw down as deep as possible, chip it out with an axe, repeating about a foot down, then repeating 90° offset on both sides, or is there a better method
Have access to wedges, sledges, axes, hatchets, shotgun slugs, reciprocating saw, drills, gun powder, a suzuki samurai, fire, and bottle jacks
Pic semi related: outdoor fren
To clarify, its already fell, just blocking trail