>>2638805>What does taking psychedelics really "feel" like?Psychedelics temporarily deactivate your Default Mode Network, leaving you without the mental shortcuts you usually employ to navigate the world but not slowing down the speed of your thoughts. You are forced to think about things without the use of hunches, gut reactions, stereotypes, intuition, or other concepts of logical efficiency. Trains of thought meander through your mind and connect sensory input, thoughts, memories, and concepts from disparate parts of your psyche.
The DMN is used to protect your ego and sense of self by rationalizing, compartmentalizing, or otherwise separating yourself from emotional reactions and sensory input. Without the DMN you start considering how little really separates you as an entity from your friends and family, or that guy you hate, or that starving third-worlder on TV, or a Fortune 500 CEO, or an octopus, or an apple tree, or the dirt below your feet, or a river, or a star.
Visual effects follow the same concept. You lose the visual processing shortcuts your brain uses to discard useless visual information and you get a feedback loop of movement artifacts. You can get a sense of what psychedelic visuals are like if you close your eyes and notice the visual perturbations that result from your mind trying to make sense of no input. Psychedelics amplify these artifacts by a hundred thousand and result in colorful visual distortions.
The combination of these two effects make taking shrooms/acid/mescaline in /out/ a 10/10 experience. DMT is a true psychedelic too but is a league entirely of its own. Popular depictions of these substances don't come close to describing the psychedelic headspace accurately and it really has to be experienced to begin to be understood. So try some shrooms sometime.