>>1838064Quit your whataboutism.
Threads about cooking while outdoors belong to /out/. They're specifically related to the outdoors and a big part of it. Spamming crappy stories that wouldn't scare anyone isn't /out/ related. They aren't even your personal encounters or scary outdoors stories, it's literally shitty creepy pastas that already have massive threads on /x/. An outdoors thread died for your shitty thread. The thread you mentioned belongs strictly on /out/ and to a degree on /ck/, where it would be on topic, but it wouldn't reach the target audience as well as it would here.
>INB4 LE AUTISMX XDDDDDDMaybe /r9k/ or /b/ might be more your speed if you're just interested in spamming le epic buzzwords for le epic wins xd1!!! /x/ tards need to stop leaking their shitposting here.
>>1835162>>1835168>>1835955These are all garbage.