>>836820Inocybe erubescans possibly, which are deadly poinsonous. These tend to split a lot as they grow which seems to be the case here, though that could be due to damage whilst gathering.
>>836822No idea. This is a mess.
>>836823No idea. Looks like some other species but is a little too cracked to be certain, it could just be old.
>>836824Lepista nuda, possibly? Too early in the year for these, though. Are you in a weird climate, OP? Edible if so, but still, double check.
>>836826Same as above, but slightly older. Seriously double check all these, this book isn't exhaustive and I can make no promises.
>>836828These look more like Inocybe erubescens than the earlier ones. Avoid.
Hoping this helps, OP. This is probably mostly wrong, it's near impossible to ID a mushroom based on photograph alone.