allotment in my moose team is 9 adults + 3 calves this year, on ~4000 ha. population is getting smaller and smaller. there is talk of maybe redlisting moose for a few years to let their numbers swell. the logging companies are against it
>>2765515clip clop mfer
>>2765523>multiple bucks in just 23 haimpressive. here in northern Sweden the roe deer population is sparse. some local hunters went out and nabbed two lynx last winter, hopefully that'll make the roe population improve. until then there's a gentlemen's agreement not to shoot any
>>2765535your got Zardoz commands it. also it's better to die from a bullet (death comes as a surprise) than to be chased down by predators (death comes as a not surprise)
>>2765547geese are already in season here. neighbor has a flock of canada geese that visits from time to time. hoping to nab some. got my .222 dialed in. excessive for geese I know, but the next step down is a .22 which is too small. so .222 it is for now
>>2765584read bewks and try to befriend an experienced hunter to show you the ropes