>>677409Florida here as well...
Didn't have power for 2 weeks and then got it back for 1 day before the next hurricane hit. and then it was another month.
that one day was such a fucking tease.
but my family did prepare and it gave me a look at how things might go if something really big went down.
Food on the shelves was awkwardly non-existant. I was in walmart when the power went out and it went from civilized to shit show in less than 20 seconds. People started chugging drinks, eating random shit, and just shoveling things into their pockets/bags.
we left the second it got crazy in there. Luckily my family had prepared an entire "hurricane closet"
it had blankets, emergency medical supplies, sat phone, tons of canned food, rice, beans, ammo, batteries, lights, propane... just about everything we needed.
FEMA did come right after the hurricane in both instances and handed out MRE's. They had plenty to go around and still people in line got in fights. If FEMA hadn't had water jugs though I can tell you a lot of people would be dead...
Even with all peoples needs taken care of their was still looting. Only place that had power was the hospital, and if you needed to go there for an emergency you would have to brave the roads that were covered in downed trees. Once you got there you had about a 3 hour wait.
Needless to say, I now prepare for at least 3 months of no help from the gov. Seeing what can happen in a small emergency scares the shit out of me for when something big happens.