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The spirits within nature. I don't know if they are real or not but I choose to believe in them. Example, the Man of the Mountains. In a certain canyon I frequent, every once in a while, I see faces in the scenery. Not huge over a widespread space but small in the shapes of a few rocks or features here and there. When returned to, there is no face, maybe there are factors for not seeing it. Regardless, it's not every time this happens. It's usually during severe weather of sorts or those moments that couldn't be more perfect in beauty (You know these moments that stop you and you know without a doubt why you bother hiking those trails.). They are either for that one beautiful moment or consistent through the weather (multiple sightings of a face.) Never in a bland moment or on every pass. I think there is a spirit that dwells within the beauty of the canyon. It can control a small amount of what happens within it's domain. It's what draws people to see it and find peace within it. It's raw nature/raw beauty. Very rooted in the history of the earth. When I think the spirit might be showing itself (when I see something odd like a face/ or an event that times like something is listening) I just thank them or ask for safe passage with a thank you(a small prayer to that specific spirit, recognized.). IDK. It's the gods I've found and its the gods I like. I don't know much about them. Only they offer me un-matched peace and beauty. I'm thankful for at least that.