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Oldfag reporting:
I used to drop acid once a year. I could only use that stuff while in a natural setting, away from people, because to me, it made human aspirations and goals seem stupid and trivial. Only the natural world made sense, enhanced by this powerful entheogen, and I could hear the rocks and see the trees dance. It was a wonderful experience, a once-a-year addition to my usual weekly 25 mile walk from San Anselmo, California to the top of Mount Tamalpias (pic related) and back, all in one day (I was in good shape 30 years ago). I lived in the Grateful Dead's neighborhood, so there was always good quality acid available.
I stopped doing this after a while, because of
> been there; done that
and the realizations made under the influence of it became too depressing (we are still primitive apes, spiritually un-evolved, etc.), plus 12 hours got to be too long for the trip. The most positive aspect of LSD was the "anti-hangover" the next day. I felt wonderful and refreshed.
Nowadays a hit of weed will do, sitting up on a mountaintop somewhere, a warm breeze and a cold drink, gazing at the sunset.