>>662039Freedom of Speech allows you to voice whatever dumbass opinion might fret through your pretty little head. It does not make that opinion right or you not an asshole for saying it. I've never heard any Men's Rights Activist justification that was at all convincing—it's all schizophrenic logic and supercilious (super-serious?) diatribe. It seems to me that most MGTOW haven't even met that many women, that women to them are all that-bitch-who-was-a-bitch-to-me-in-middle-school, or some mythical ur-slut who they resent for being popular. There are assholes of every gender. That you haven't found a single one who isn't that is female means you haven't tried at all, or that your qualifications are faulty.
There are plenty of men going-their-own-way out there, but none of them call themselves that because they don't need that crutch to feel superior.