The Roman king Numa supposedly got a flying shield sent from Mars that descended from heaven in order to support his reign.
>According to the oldest document in the annals of the poet Ennius , King Numa received the Ancilia from his advisor or lover, the source nymph Egeria (Ennius, Annalen 114). Later sources report, however, that the shields in the eighth year of Numas rule were floated down from heaven as a divine gift during a plague epidemic. Accordingly, the historian Livy describes them as 'heavenly weapons' ( caelestia arma : Livy, Ab Urbe condita 1.20.4).'s a list of places on earth where more than average disappearings take place:'s even a form of communism/socialism founded on "Ufology" principles:
>Posadas was the author of a number of works with an unconventional slant; he tried to create a synthesis of Trotskyism and Ufology. His most prominent thesis from this perspective was Flying saucers, the process of matter and energy, science, the revolutionary and working-class struggle and the socialist future of mankind (1968). Posadists believed that extra-terrestrials visiting earth in flying saucers must come from a socially and scientifically advanced civilisation to master inter-planetary travel and that the working-class should welcome the alien invaders as their liberators. sounds like a joke, until you check the details: