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>GF decides she wants to do shrooms
>I don't really want to but decide it might be fun
>we go on a trip to OK and stay in a cabin at a state park
>never took them before, smoked weed on occasion
>bought them from a friend but don't really know what dose
>holy fuck these taste like dog shit
>get nauseous immediately
>spend the first hour trying not to throw up, fail
>gf doesn't throw up
>they start kicking in
>feel like I'm really really really fucking high on weed
>it's fucking awful
>GF does the thing she always does when she gets too high, and is why I will never get high with her again, she freaks the fuck out
>she's crying I'm trying not to freak out but it's pretty shitty
>time slows way down
>feel like hours have passed in 5 minutes
>walk in the woods to clear our heads
>kinda fun, i remember the pine needles on the floor looked like they were flowing like water
>entire trip lasts like 6 hours
>shitty the whole time
>open eye visuals limited to walls moving a little bit
>closed eye visuals were basic fractal patterns
>spend the rest of the trip pissed at GF because once again her idea turned out pretty shitty