>>2546240Started taking gardening more seriously this year. Last year I knew fuck all and bought a couple of seed packets and planted directly outside, never watered. Had some success but since I neglected them I had no idea what grew and I harvested and saw nothing. This year I decided to actually put effort into it and I'm still making mistakes at every turn but I'm trying. Here's my "Tray A". From the left column, it's kale, brussel sprouts, chives, bell pepper, bell pepper, tomato beefstake, tomato sweetie, red onion, red onion, yellow onion, yellow onion, yellow onion. Planted directly into the tray on 2-23. Did some thinning a few days ago, cut the leggiest fellas because I get my shelves and lights until late last week. Hoping these guys make it, I've also started a secondary batch of everything on throw away plates with a damp paper towel which I'm gonna put into another tray as back ups. Oh and I recently started bottom watering, have been overhead misting til day before yesterday. Anything I should be concerned about?