/sci/ Chemfag here.
>>2226217>>2215854The active ingredient in Adderall is Amphetamine. Sounds like this guy took a triple dose.
He also crushed the pills into powder, normally the pills contain an active release agent that slowly doses the patient with the drug over time. this is because ADHD patients only want a little Amphetamine throughout the day instead of 15 small bursts a day. by crushing them up it increases the pills surface area by alot, causing it to be instantly taken up by the body, mitigating most of the active release agent.
>>2230428You are correct, molecules are like keys that go into keyholes. by changing a single group say a single atom, you can completely change the drugs interaction with the human body. an extra carbon can be the diffrence between a non active drug, a drug thats 100x as potent or a drug that has a completely diffrent effect and target in the body.
an example of this is methamphetamine, which has a much higher potency than amphetamine while only being 1 carbon and 3 hydrogens bigger.