>Do ii ng summer work where I have to toe a trailer all over the palace up north (northern Michigan are but on Canadian side of boarder)>Hire my best friend as a helper>We have a few days off,>Decide to go hiking into some thick brush area and go fishing on this small river we spotted
>Walk in the bush along the river for about 2 kms. >See about a 20 foot waterfall a few hundred feet away>Beautiful summer day, sunny>Decide it's a nice spot to set up to fish and relax for for the day, have a few beers and fish>About a half hour later buddy says >Hey...you uh....wanna do some shrooms?>You serious? You have shrooms?>Yea>*Think about of for a couple seconds>Yea >We continue fishing for a.bit>Almost forgot I even took shrooms when I started getting that feeling kicking in >You know the one>We eventually lose interest in fishing as the buzz grows >Decide to start wading around in the calm river >Feelsgoodman>Notice this brown Lilly pad looking thing slowly coming towards us as we're downstream of it >Notice it start going back upstream >Lol bro, I'm tripping. Is that brown Lilly pad drifting upstream? >Yea>Wot>It starts coming back towards us>We're peaking now and both silent, enjoying our piqued senses, just staring at this thing coming towards us, not thinking much of it. >A whole bunch of splashing right in front of my buddy as he says "oh shit, oh shit" in this barritone relatively calm voice>It's a fucking beaver>He's being attacked by a fucking beaver >Her grabs it and kinda lobs it away from him down stream and wades his way back to shore>I kinda wig out and go to the other side of the river >Realize I'm on the wrong side of river and have to cross again but can't because I'm scared of beaver thinking he's the final boss or some shit that I haven't prepared enough for >Mfw Of course this shit happens when on shrooms.