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Walking through the Old Sabine Wildlife Management Area I found an old school bus. Not even close to a damn trail. Somebody had thrown out had left an old vacuum sealed bag in it. Probably just trash from a meal.
Walking I hear something bounding through the woods in my direction. Take safety off and wait. Saint bernard come running out of the woods at me, stops about 30 feet short, then just takes off in another direction. It's hot and humid out here and this thing is covered in thick hair and was in good shape. No clue what is was doing out there.
Laying around in tent and hear something bipedal outside. I've never seen anybody else out there and I've been out here for few days on this trip. Take 12 gauge and belly crawl up behind dude. Put him in the site and holler at him. My buddy John turns around and about shits him self. "Wow, don't shoot I brought you a beer!" He got worried and came out to check on me.
I fucking love it out there.