>>2285549I was hiking my creek one day and found a leg trap like pic related staked on the bank.
#1) it was on private property.
#2) it was within 50 feet of a road.
#2) it did not have owners name and permit number engraved on it.
Each of those are a violation of the law.
Another time I found dirtbike tracks running down my creek. Luckily there was enough fallen trees that he quickly turned around and only went about 200 feet.
Yet another time I was watching the news and heard gun shots, very close. My nearest neighbor is about a mile away. O went outside and saw some pos mustang drive off. Went to investigate and found some 10mm cases. Some douche just drove down the dirt road, pulled over and did some target practice by shooting at a stump on the edge of my property (also illegal to shoot within 50 yards of a road). He had no idea what was on my property behind that stump and could have been shooting at livestock or myself if I had been walking around.